April 7, 2012


Last Friday and Saturday our internet connection got way wonky and so we were left to spend those days internet-free. Since most stores and malls were closed last Good Friday, we just went to ruins to buy a couple of dvds and to the grocery store for some afternoon snacks.

Adorable neighbor's puppy that got lost and wound up in our garage haha!

I painted and drew again after a million years. The painting was sucky at best but the sketches were somewhat okay looking. I hope. I also unearthed a bunch of my old sketchpads! The ones that I treated like a diary last summer hehe. It was so cool flipping through it, a bit nostalgic but still fun.

Florence keeping me company huhu

I took a break from all the artsy stuff and visited my sister in her lair. She's been studying like crazy for her tests but she took the time to point out that our wallpapers in our phones are so wild hahah.

l-r. Sister's, Mum's, Mine hahahah
We have our internet connection na yay. Hopefully this is the last incident for the whole vacation haha. happy Easter everyone!!!!!

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Thank you for making my interactive diary dreams come true! ♥