Yesterday was my 16th birthday. Twinkle and I celebrated our birthdays (mine on the 16th and hers on the 29th) together surrounded by our friends huhu who never fail to make us feel very very happy and content and special and loved and every good adjective there is in the world + sexy HAHA.
Super cute and funky couple |
Mum, me, my sister! |
We had lunch at Chili's in Greenbelt. What made it so fun and stuff was because we merged like a ton of our groups and what we got is this lovely bunch of people who are all mutually connected and happy and very fun and quite autistic.
Twinkle, Bea, Dana, Daryl, me |
We had to wait a while outside since the place was packed and so we had our photo ops first cos we we're 'growing up too fast' and 'so high school-y' hehe. It felt like we were one of those poor kids in American movies wherein they had to painstakingly endure their parents' stageperson-ness with all the picture taking and fussing hehe.
Daryl, Dana, Bea, Twinkle, Chloe, Jazz, me, Russ, Nath, Erik |
We finally got seated and had tons of fun while we ate. I have this weird thing where I don't eat bread like the Gardenia ones and burgers but I eat cakes and garlic breads. I don't remember how it started but one day while I was a kid, I just started not eating bread hehe. Last January 1, I ate my first burger since it is the supposed last year on earth for everyone. I then ate another burger with my sister while my parents were in Thailand last March and yesterday, December 16, I ate my 3rd burger yay HAHA.
da twins |
da couple HAHA joke |
I got this sword from Daryl and it made me look like Myrtle the cosplayer HUHUHUHEHEHEHUHUHUHUHU. This is me slicing the cake with my cosplayer skillz |
Chili's people making a ruckus singing a Happy Birthday song hahaha |
Twinkle blowing the Gab candle |
Chloe, Diana, Bianca! |
Churro gurlz hehe yellow red blue hehe cool hehe |
Bea with the painting that she made for Twinkle huhu what is AMAZING!! |
Some love triangle going on |
After we ate, which made us feel like grown ups what with the paying of the bill and all, we decided to skip watching a movie, visited a few stores and went to the Ayala Museum hihihihi. I was so stoked since I've always wanted to visit a museum with mah fwendz, so stoked that I forgot that I've already been there during a field trip back when I was still in St. Scho HAHAHA.
"Chloe The Tour Guide: A True Story" |
The museum trip was very........................autistic. HAHAHA I really can't find any other word that suits it perfectly. Chloe got possessed by some tour guide's spirit and she started spewing nonsense all over. She also went back to her roots when she saw the Chinese people in the Philippine history section HAHA. We also had fun sidling up next to the famous people thingies on the wall which had their height thingy hehe. Turns out I'm taller than Jose Rizal, Carlos P. Garcia I think or maybe Romulo? and the Aetas, I am as tall as Emilio Aguinaldo and I am definitely not as tall as an American Soldier.
We dawdled around the Gold and Embroidery section more on the Gold section since it had lovely couches and a huge projector screen thingy that we took advantage of since our feet hurt hehe. After the whole museum trip, we went out and became fashion blahgahs.
Jazz + Twinkle |
Chloe + Nath |
Me + Bea |
We went to Powerbooks and stayed there for some time just messing around and occasionally buying stuff then we'd go back to doing nothing and then doing something hehe.
Cheesecake |
People360 |
Gumaganern |
Raccoon at Filbars hehe |
We met up with Chloe's family and said goodbye to her. The rest of the gang went to Razon's for snacks while Jazz, SD Nath and I went to Topshop. After a while we went back to Razon's and then I had to bid farewell to everyone since my family and I were gonna hear mass in the chapel.
After the mass, we headed to Cyma for our dinner yay. The food was just so tasty. I love food. I am embracing my love for food. The ribs were ugh. The eggplant lasagna-ish thingy called moskus(?) was ugh. Everything was ugh huhu. So yummy ugh hahahhahaha.
Ugh-ful hehe |
After getting our bellies filled, we walked towards the parking lot when a wall of tube paints caught my eye. That had to be the best Fully Booked branch for me. I died and went to art heaven. There were so many pretty things that my senses went into overload huhu.
Had to end this post with something artsy hihi |
Today has got to be the best birthday I've ever had...yet. The time spent with my friends AND my family is priceless. I couldn't ask for a better set of friends AND family hahaha. I love you all hihi.
Don't forget to join GBG!
Happy birthday to you both ! Looks like you had a great time xxx